Think Laterally

Radical Progressivism is about innovation and creative thinking.  To think laterally means to think beyond linear confines, and to encourage problem-posing education.  Moreover, we believe that this can be done individually and in groups.  We believe that big ideas are not necessarily single light bulbs, they are a instead an interplay of mutating ideas, adjustments, and varied perspectives coming together to form something that was not previously conceived of, or possible. 

How many ways can I use a paper clip?
How many ways can I use an ipad?

We are advocates of divergent thinking, of fostering creativity and thinking beyond the confines of restrictive education.  

Why should we work to reform education? Why are so many countries doing it?  What is it about education that is limiting and disenchanting modern students?  Sir Ken Robinson examines educational paradigms in the 21st century.

Where do great ideas come from? Is invention and discovery purely a task undertaken by visionaries within individual thinking processes?  Can collaboration impact innovation? Steven Johnson studied innovation and comes to an interesting conclusion about hunches. 

Why should we support innovation and creativity in the classroom? The arts have been cut throughout many educational programs.  Furthermore, the arts have not been readily established as an essential educational component in many schools.  The Ontario Arts Council has put together an information package to examine some of the reasons why arts education is an important part of any educational system. 

Are we all innately creative?  Sir Ken Robinson uses wit and humour to explore our relationship with creativity and how it is impacted by education.  Additionally, he examines our limited views of human capacity.  

Why are the arts important?  How do cuts or gaps in their educational experiences impact them? Sarah Needham a student in Michigan developed a film to explore this question from the perspective of students. 

What is inquiry-based learning? Education can be organized through inquiry-based methods that place the student at the centre of the learning process rather than in a top-down process as is common in teacher-centred environments.  The video below provides a graphic description of what an inquiry-based model can look like. 

Can we teach creativity in the scientific domain? Creativity and math are not generally terms that are synonymous in our society.  Through inquiry-based learning techniques educators are redefining educational processes and shaping educational systems.

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